Friday, October 10, 2008

Couch to 5K - Day 2

Well, I managed to get up and run again. Maybe a pattern is emerging! It felt pretty good too. Except for the part where I was listening to the Wicked Soundtrack and I started crying, which in turn made it hard to breathe. I don't know why something like that would make me emotional, but every time she hits the big notes in "Defying Gravity", I get weepy. (insert rolleyes here)

I also started the hundred pushup plan yesterday. It is a 6 week program claiming by the end you will be able to do 100 consecutive pushups. Well, I did my initial test and I eked out 21 "girl pushups" My plan is to do the program the "girl" way, and then hopefully do it again with "real" pushups. It's not looking good though, as I can barely move anything above the waist at the moment.

And I've realized reason number 1,453,899,324 that I need to lose weight again. I can't wear my favorite boots..... My calves are too big. grrrrr If that's not motivation, I don't know what is!

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