Tuesday, October 14, 2008

the next step

on to phase 2 of my grand 'life overhaul' plan....pushups. it seems to be working out pretty well so far. i don't do well with waking up early one day and sleeping in the next, so i'm trying this out. i did 56 pushups today. i know what you're thinking. there's no way in #@#$ that i did that many. well, they were girl pushups, and i did them. right after i ate some ben & jerrys.... it was low-fat though. i needed something cold to soothe my sore mouth from surgery. yeah, that's it.

my whole face actually hurts. an apicoectomy is not fun. basically they cut my gum open, took a jackhammer to my face and sewed it back closed. google it if you want the scientific explanitation. :) the swelling has gone down some, so i'm starting to look like myself again. i hope this is the end of my body rebelling against me. it's been one thing after the other. i want to be healthy again!

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